Step into your Year of Divine Manifesting – 10/2/19

Step into your year of divine manifesting This February join me for an empowering and inspiring fest. How would you love to make 2019 the year where you INTENTIONALLY and CONSCIOUSLY plant the seeds of your heart’s desires? The year when you nurture those seeds so they will carry you forward into the rest of [...]

The Art of Mindful Living workshop – 25/11/18

Due to the success of the last Art of Mindful Living event, I have decided to hold it again! This time in Mandurah. The practice of mindfulness is ancient, but only recently has been widely publicised, supported and embraced due to its many benefits. For that reason I’d like to bring to you The Art [...]

The Art of Mindful Living Workshop – 13/10/18

Due to the success of the last Art of Mindful Living event, I have decided to hold it again! In this workshop, you will learn about the importance of turning down the volume of your inner chatter, simple ways to refocus your attention to create inner peace,  and how to find joy in the simplicity [...]

2021-03-18T07:30:33+08:00August 30th, 2018|Events, Mindset, Soul Filled Living, Wellbeing, Workshops|

Soul Lessons – to Nourish Your Mind and Nurture Your Soul

Are you ready to nourish your mind and nurture your soul so you can create and live the life you desire?  I have created Soul Lessons as an answer to my soul’s calling to share spiritual teachings and practical tools to help you live a more conscious, inspired and empowered life. The lessons offer you a space where week [...]

2021-03-18T07:30:09+08:00August 3rd, 2018|Classes, Events, Soul Filled Living|

Tips to Set Your Theme for the New Year

At the beginning of each year, many people make lists of New Year’s resolutions with the intention to improve, change, let go, reduce, increase, quit, and so on. Comes February and those resolutions feel too hard to accomplish, have lost their appeal and are usually abandoned. This behavior creates a cycle of guilt, frustration, and disappointment around resolutions that follows [...]

2018-01-21T14:43:58+08:00January 20th, 2018|Mindset, Positive habits, Tools and practices, Wellbeing|

Your Thoughts Are Powerful – Use Them To Create The Life You Desire

I am always reading, I LOVE reading and I am sure that’s one of the reasons I became an author. At present, I am reading ‘How to win friends and influence people’, an all-time classic that Dale Carnegie wrote in 1936.  This book was written a long time ago - even before my dad was born! but [...]

2017-12-17T10:06:44+08:00November 30th, 2017|Empowerment, Mindset|

Uplift Your Life with Affirmations for Success and Abundance

Affirmations used as part of your daily rituals will support you in living a more empowered and conscious life. As part of my intention to living in an empowered and soul filled way, I perform different daily rituals. A quick note on the importance of rituals (I’ll share more about this topic on another blog): they can be as [...]

2017-08-15T10:02:38+08:00July 25th, 2017|Free Resources, Tools and practices|


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