New Year/ New You Empowering VIP Session

The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to think about the things that you’d like to achieve in the year ahead. To ask yourself: What do I really want this year? So you write your resolutions and promise to stay on track. But you know that sometimes this is not enough. Often, no [...]

2017-12-16T12:51:43+08:00December 16th, 2017|Empowerment, Sessions, Wellbeing|

Your Thoughts Are Powerful – Use Them To Create The Life You Desire

I am always reading, I LOVE reading and I am sure that’s one of the reasons I became an author. At present, I am reading ‘How to win friends and influence people’, an all-time classic that Dale Carnegie wrote in 1936.  This book was written a long time ago - even before my dad was born! but [...]

2017-12-17T10:06:44+08:00November 30th, 2017|Empowerment, Mindset|


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