Step into your Year of Divine Manifesting – 10/2/19

Step into your year of divine manifesting This February join me for an empowering and inspiring fest. How would you love to make 2019 the year where you INTENTIONALLY and CONSCIOUSLY plant the seeds of your heart’s desires? The year when you nurture those seeds so they will carry you forward into the rest of [...]

Write a New Story for the New Year

For many people, the end of the year cannot come soon enough as they want to start afresh with the new one. Maybe your year hasn’t been good or as good as expected; maybe unhappy memories ask for your attention and overshadow the happy ones. If you end your year with the desire to be [...]

Searching for Happiness vs. Choosing to Be Happy

Happiness is relevant every day of our lives and it’s our nature to want to be happy and seek happiness in all sorts of ways. However, if your experiencing of happiness is elusive or short-lived the reason, more often than not, is you! We usually are the ones that get in the way of enjoying the [...]

The Art of Mindful Living – 24/8/18 – Speaking Event

I am delighted to be presenting The Art of Mindful Living at the South Perth Learning Centre. If you enjoy meeting with like-minded others wishing to positively transform their lives and wellbeing then this is a talk you’ll love. The Art of Mindful Living will assist you in understanding the basic concepts of living mindfully, [...]

2018-05-23T14:52:21+08:00April 30th, 2018|Events, Positive habits, Wellbeing|

Embracing Self-Love

February is usually associated with ‘love’ so I wanted to share something about this topic, especially something that will help you strengthen your self-love. Love is the highest vibration and represents the essence that lives within us in its purest form. You were born out of love—the unconditional love that is your source and your [...]

2018-02-18T11:38:32+08:00February 14th, 2018|Positive habits, Wellbeing|

Tips to Set Your Theme for the New Year

At the beginning of each year, many people make lists of New Year’s resolutions with the intention to improve, change, let go, reduce, increase, quit, and so on. Comes February and those resolutions feel too hard to accomplish, have lost their appeal and are usually abandoned. This behavior creates a cycle of guilt, frustration, and disappointment around resolutions that follows [...]

2018-01-21T14:43:58+08:00January 20th, 2018|Mindset, Positive habits, Tools and practices, Wellbeing|


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