Welcome to my blog! This area is a collection of articles, posts, and news that I share to inspire, inform and nurture you. If you connect and resonate with the information in this site, make sure to check-in regularly or sign up to receive a regular dose of inspiration in your inbox so you don’t miss anything!
December 2019
The Power of Gratitude as a Daily Practice
The Power of Gratitude as a Daily Practice Gratitude lifts your spirit, makes you more resilient, and directs your attention to the good that is already present in your life while surrounding you with [...]
September 2019
Rewrite your Story to Transform, Heal & Empower Your Life workshop – 27/10/19
Rewrite your Story to Transform, Heal and Empower Your Life If you could change something about your life, what would it be? It doesn’t matter what happened in the past or what your life looks [...]
The 3 key points that will change the way you relate to your vibrations
The 3 key points that will change the way you relate to your vibrations I am still buzzing with high vibes from last week’s Raise your Vibration workshop. What an amazing day! During the workshop, [...]
June 2019
Raise your Vibrations & Step into your Power Workshop – 4/8/19
Raise Your Vibration & Step into Your Power Workshop - 4/8/19 We are immersed in a vibrational world and we are constantly giving and receiving energy. How you respond to that interaction affects your [...]
You are never Stuck. You are just Moving in the same place
Many years ago, I went through the uncomfortable experience of feeling stuck. At that time, I knew I wanted to write a book but I also believed that I couldn’t do it. I spent about [...]
April 2019
5 Practices that keep you stuck and prevent you from moving forward
5 Practices that keep you stuck & prevent you from moving forward In my last post, I shared and explained the first step in the process to elevate your life. Step 1: Make the [...]