Due to the success of the last Art of Mindful Living event, I have decided to hold it again!

In this workshop, you will learn about the importance of turning down the volume of your inner chatter, simple ways to refocus your attention to create inner peace,  and how to find joy in the simplicity of the present moment.

When you stop to observe and experience your NOW more often, you open up to a sense of inner peace that translates into more balance and joy in your life.

How often do you stop to notice what is happening at any given moment?

How much does your mind control you and everything in your life?

How much awareness do you have of your mind doings and whereabouts?

The answer to these questions will determine whether you are allowing your mind to be your master or the servant. When you think about your life and yourself, what do you see are the results of the quality of your thoughts and feelings?

Your mind is a powerful tool that exists to be at your service. In order to become a master of your mind, you need to nurture a new way of being where living mindfully is at its core.

In the art of mindful living you will learn about:

  1. What is mindfulness?
  2. The benefits of living mindfully and embracing awareness as your natural state of being
  3. What prevents you from living with more presence
  4. Understanding the power of NOW
  5. 8+ simple practices to apply immediately to create a state of joy, inner calm and flow.
  6. Practise simple exercises to experience being present.
  7. Take away resources to integrate mindfulness into your life

Living mindfully is a rewarding process of discovery that will enhance your happiness and wellbeing.

Say “yes” to welcoming mental and inner peace, to embracing a new way of living so you can change your outer world from within and from that space discover yourself.

This workshop is for those who:

  • Desire to sit in the driver’s seat of their lives by taking control of their inner chatter and living with more presence
  • Want to experience more clarity, inner peace, balance, and joy
  • Want to positively transform their lives and wellbeing by learning powerful life skills.


  • EARLY BIRD: $40 (Until 1st October)

Event Details

When:   Saturday 13 October 2018

Time:     Registration is 12.45pm for a 1.00pm start – finishes between 3.00–3.30 pm

Venue:  Siddhi Space, 8/46 Buckingham Drive WANGARA

Bookings: To book your ticket click here or if you’d like to pay via bank transfer or cash please contact me

Other Details

Parking: Parking is available at the front of the building or at the far end of the parking lot.

Bring: a pad and a pen for notes. Your wonderful self and your ticket

Refreshments: a variety of teas are provided

Book Signing: Freedom of the Soul will be available to purchase and signing on the day at the special price of $30


Sign up for this event as you will engage in simple exercises to experience presence and depart feeling inspired, uplifted and knowing how to bring more NOW into your life because it’s GOOD for you!

Book your ticket now here. Early bird is only $40!
Looking forward to seeing you there!